Considering adding a lift - thoughts on 2-post vs. 4-post?

I have a Bendpak 10,000 lb 2 post lift with a clear floor, and asymmetrical arms to open the doors. While you do have to set the arms on a 2 post, I like it better in every respect. A 4 post is always there, taking up that bay. A 2 post can move the unused arms out of the way. 4 post has the ramps the car has to get up, even when the car is disabled. The 4 post has the beam across the front, making it difficult to use an engine lift. 4 post you have to buy the jacking table to get the wheels off. 4 post are more expensive. Good luck working on a 4 post under the car with all that lift in the way. If you want to work on the car that's under the 4 post, better hope the lift goes high enough to clear the bottom car's hood being opened, and your head. When using a 2 post, it's recommended to check the balance before lifting the car very high. A small shake will tell you if the car is stable. And last, if someone's going to use the lift who is not capable, they shouldn't be allowed to use it. These are my reasons for buying a 2 post. And never buy cheap!