Stop in for a cup of coffee

Sucks that the family did not bring in you or someone else who could represent them for an initial sale. Then sell the remainder as a lot to clear it out if needed. I get it, that they probably did not want to deal with it. This guy was probably perched like a F'n vulture and hit them with an offer. Just sounds like they rushed and did not think it through at all. :(
yep, this is where itemized wills come into play. I've seen the greed that comes out first hand when a family member dies, it soon becomes about money, the more the merrier and the quicker the better and it destroys families and tarnishes memories. I'm working with the JAG office in my unit to make mine as tough as possible for greed to come into it. Trusts, blind trusts etc. I'm using it all. down to the contents of the tool boxes even.