Scored On An Air Compressor!

I posted a couple weeks ago about wanting to wire in a 240/30amp in my garage for a decent air compressor.

Well, yesterday I was going to a friends house to borrow his chainsaw. He has had an air compressor sitting outside for the last year and a half next to his shed that another friend was storing there. The other friend was going to come pick it up yesterday but when he got there he said he was just going to put it in storage as he didn't need it. My friend then texted me and asked if I was still interested in buying a compressor and I'm like, "well yeah."

He then said his friend wanted to sell that one and said I could pick it up for $50!!

It's a Coleman Powermate Black Max 60gal/6hp compressor!!
It still had wiring on it from the rental he originally pulled it from so we just plugged the wires in to a 240 outlet in his garage. It fired right up!!

Got it home and will do some cleanup on it but, good deal I'd say!