Unappreciated rock bands...

Even more obscure? How about a band that never made it past the Demo Tape phase, rejected by record companies. A few years back I stumbled across this one, and later tracked down one of the original Demo Tapes online and added it to my collection of music.

Almost as obscure, a song by Tattoo Rodeo that only ever played in a movie, wasn't on the Soundtrack and wasn't on any albums. The movie itself was a pretty crappy B rated cheesy action movie that had an all-over-the-place plot, but I managed to track down an original copy for a friend who collects music like I do.

Not bad, at all.. Reminds me of Dokken,
Ok - this one is a stretch, but the made up band, Steel Dragon, from the not-a-particularly-great-movie "Rock Star" was actually pretty killer - listen to the sound track.
The actual performers are Zakk Wylde (guitarist for Ozzy, Black Label Society) , Jeff Pilson (Bassist for Dokken) Jason Bonham (drummer, son of John Bonham of Zeppelin), and Mike Matijevic (Steelheart)

This is video is a 'live' version with an extra singer, but this version os "Stand UP and Shout" still rocks pretty hard:

And, since I brought up underappreciated ficititious bands...I have to include Spinal Tap - the original band to go to eleven...here with "Hell Hole"

Interesting choices,and quite nice Had Steelheart's first album..it's actually pretty good... Spinal Tap on Saturday Night Live, is really good ....(Big Bottom ,with everyone playing bass....).