wheel opening trim

The price you have to pay sometimes with these old cars. The w/O trim on my 66 is parts if 4 different sets. It took 2 years or so to get a fairly nice set. I always look for good trim pieces. A couple years ago a young lad from California was stripping his car and sold me almost a whole car/set for $100 + shipping. You just never know. Be patient and you will eventually find what you need. tmm

I had bought a set a few years ago and only 3 of the mount holes were there and they are hard anodized so forming them is impossible as they are to thick. My originals lined up great but were badly scraped and dented. Patients is the word here!

I tried hard to get them to fit and eventually gave up and lucked in to some originals. Oh and They also were a tad long and needed trimming on the ends.

Maybe they have some new tooling and they are better now? The ones I got on E-bay came from Classic in the original packaging and were originally produced by MetroParts out of South Georgia. I know OER bought that tooling and are now producing them for Classic and others. Rick from Laysons can confirm this for sure.