[PSA/WARNING] - Centerbores out of spec on new Bendix PRT1132 11.75" disc brake rotors

You're talking to a man who pulls EVERY part he can from a salvage yard when he needs something. Not to save money, but because 20 year old 100k mile American stuff is better than new Chinese trash.

You're lucky you have a scrapyard that has 20-year-old, 100k-mile American stuff. Of two pick-and-pulls locally, one closed up recently. The other doesn't ever get nor segregate classic/older vehicles. I own the only two 4-door '68-70 Mopars to exist within a 10 mile radius, to my knowledge.

And in the last 5 years, I've only known of one normal Cordoba and one 1979 300 Cordoba to exist in this town. One abandoned by its owner (disappeared 2 months ago), and a dilapidated project car that sits dormant at a house 3 miles away. That's IT.
