Friend is a Cop....

We're missing the point on legal and illegal , statue of Liberty and borders . No one is saying turn the immigrant away . Come into this country legally with the intent of becoming a citizen and contributing to the good of the U.S. as my Mother did from Europe just before WW1. there was no welfare , foot stamps , EBT, entitlement programs
no Government help what so ever. You found jobs went to work , learned the language became citizens. As far as boarders , they are necessary . Many think of having a secured boarders is a waist of time. If we would have had secured boarders long ago we wouldn't be in this mess. Everyone has boarders , the farmers fence around his property , your fence between your neighbor , companies fences around their property . As far as seeing Mexico , been there done that and its sad but whos to blame?
the U.S. or the Mexican government for not taking care of its people or the Mexican people for putting up with that kind of government . We have to remember and NEVER
forget that a lot of people died to give us the freedoms we have and still dying to this day. Why should the U.S. have this burden put on us.
--------------------very well put, and true !