Unappreciated rock bands...

I had not found this when I made post #160.
Apologies. However, I rest my case.
And maybe there is hope for the youth of today.

Published on Feb 21, 2010
Our cover version of this brilliant rocker from a band that is possibly the most underrated of all time, and certainly one of my favourites - The Pretty Things. This really is a great song and it's a shame that the Pretties never got the mainstream attention they deserved; they were every bit as ambitious as The Rolling Stones - quite often more so - and simply a group of very talented musicians.
John Stax's bass riff in this song is up there with the greatest ever recorded, Phil May's raw vocal is absolutely brilliant and the edgy guitar solo is wonderful. I had to pick this whole song out by ear as unfortunately there is no sheet music or guitar tabs available as far as I know, so it was quite a challenge, but an incredibly enjoyable and rewarding one at that.
Sam on bass guitar/vocals, Isaac on guitar (Fender Telecaster)/backing vocals and Sebastian on drums/backing vocals. Please comment if you like our cover!
Thanks, enjoy.