Found my build sheet. Mostly

That is all GREAT information. Thanks so much.
I have attached a pic of my upper door frame interior. It is steel painted black.
Does this help?



L - Dodge Dart

L - Low price class

41- 4-door sedan

G - 318 engine

5 - model year

B - Hamtramck, MI assembly plant

DX9 Upper Door Frame: Unknown At This Time

Can you post a photo of your upper door frames? (the part with the lock button forward) Is it painted or padded?

514 Date Built: 5 / 14 / 1975 - This is actually the SPD - Scheduled Production Date. Check the MDH code of your door sticker for the final build Month/ Day / Hour

G52 Unknown At This Time

G52 - LH remote chrome mirror

J42 Delete Front Licence

J42 is actually the floor boom dampner. Look above the rear of your driveshaft for an odd shaped weight with a rubber mount hanging from the floor.

N37 Unknown At This Time

N37 - Exhaust system with catalytic converter

L2 Unknown At This Time

L2 - Build on assembly Line 2

474 Unknown At This Time

474 - these numbers range from 001 to 999 (so far) but they do not seem to have any correlation to anything on the broadcast sheet, it still remains a mystery to me.
