Unappreciated rock bands...

Here comes The Good Rats!

Bar Band Extraordinary.
I had a girl friend that saw them at Richards's back in the day.
They gave her a rubber rat. (That's not a double entendre.)
It was real. I saw the rat.
Yes. Richard's was real too.

That reminds me of this "unappreciated" band.
I did see them at Richard's. The original line up.
RIP Randy California.
Oh, I don't know. Just pick a song.
The first comments on this one.

gk100020001 year ago
"Just a so under appreciated band. Their range was so wide that they just didn't seem to capture a mass audience that tends to like a band that plays one style. I had the album Best of Spirit and it literally changed my life. I took up guitar lessons because of it."

Oh the irony.
By 1984. It was a Brave New World. (Ha)

Might as well segue to this band since I brought up Spirit.
WRAS used the opening to Roll Over Me as bumper music.