Most overrated bands?

Strike a chord lol.
Its all good Rob, Quite often good tunes/bands get way overplayed. After listening to them for 40+ years they can be "same ol same ol"
When I do hear Skynyrd I do what RVZ says "turn it up!" Lol
I knew I would strike a chord by saying Skynyrd is overrated. I think maybe it's not that they are overrated, but instead they are overplayed around here. Classic rock stations have about a 90 minute rotation, so you can expect to hear "Sweet Home Alabama" at least four times during the work day, with random insertions of "Freebird". Back in the day, when my wife was a bartender at a karaoke bar, we'd hear drunken renditions of many Skynyrd standards on a nightly basis. Sometimes the same song two and three times. It really tends to turn you off certain bands.

I have nothing against those who like Skynyrd. I have to give the guys credit, and I have loads of respect for them, for still being around. Not too many bands could recover from what they went through in the 70s. They came back, and they made themselves bigger than ever. More power to them. I just don't really like to listen to them.