Unappreciated rock bands...

Yes first let me start out by saying Triumph was the first band I've ever seen and they were great along with Fastway which had their one hit wonder at the time. I think it was the Never Surrender tour sold out probably 1984. Now as far as Ronny James Dio goes I met him backstage one time then he was a little pompous jack wad. Kind of unlike when I met Bill Murray at a golf course I worked at in Florida and he was totally cool and nice then asking me questions. Hands down (for me) the most underrated was "Betty Blowtorch" rest in peace. I feel I would have definitely got my money's worth out of one of her live shows!
Not only have I been to hundreds of concerts that I paid for my first girlfriend After High School worked at Tower Records and she got us tickets and backstage passes almost anything that came to town for years. If you guys want to talk about talent and the best singer out there I would say Luther vandros. I'm no big fan and Lord knows that ain't my kind of music when you have tickets to a free concert and nothing else to do...
Now on to my newest favoritest underrated band and I dedicate this one to Yellow Rose--