Sub Frame Connectors after Interior is finished

Thanks for all the replies everyone.

I am going to just remove the deadener in the area where they connectors meet the floor. I think that will be safest thing.

I agree. Pull the carpet and jute. With hushmat you should be able to just use a box cutter to cut out a couple strips where the subframe connectors go and peel the hushmat back out, I'd make the strips a few inches wider than the connectors. If it's cold that will work even better, the butyl backed foil type stuff will peel off if you can get some traction on a corner or edge. You may even just be able to lay those strips back in when you're done. I've got RattleTrap sound deadner in my car, you can peel it back and reapply it. If it were on a roof or vertical panel you might need new stuff, but on the floor it shouldn't be an issue.