Parking Antique Ramp Truck on Residential Property

Our DMV defines a tow truck as "...used in the business of transporting vehicles..." If your not getting paid, as in not for hire, It may get you by? We also exclude "auto dismantler and repossesor tow vehicles" as tow trucks...?
I drive my Telephone L90 service body truck home every night and I paid 10 years of service to earn that right. That would be a bummer if code enforcement told me I couldn't (then I would get that brand new RAM bucket truck...:) I also have a 2 years in the rears Mazda pickup parked off my driveway in the weeds that I have not got dinged for either...BUT I had my Cuda in my driveway on front jackstands for 2 days waiting on my rotors and I got a warning! Whatever.....My neighbor paved 2 long cement pads his front side-yard and parks his motorhome on it. My friend used to drive his Cable van home and he had to cover the company name so he bought some white magnetic sheets and covered up at night.