What strange foods do you eat that others don't understand??

When I had a Croatian girlfriend way back, we ate some of the craziest foods I've ever heard of! For Christmas, her mom made a dish called joloditz, or "pickled pigs feet in grey jello"! She would simmer that all day, we would go to midnight mass, then come home to celebrate, with everybody getting a bowl! There was a fun game attached...whoever got the most bones on their plate would win some sort of little gift!

For Easter is was Julitza and Shpeh, an egg loaf and simmered whole bacon! You would go to morning mass, then come home to a big Easter spread! The procedure was...take a bite of raw horseradish root, take a bite of shpeh, and a bite of julitza, and chew it all up together!!! Of course her dad was a Tennessee hillbilly, so he would fry the julitza and cook the shpeh like bacon crisp, and eat an onion like an apple!!

There's also a longstanding traditional Irish meal of Crubeens, pigs feet poached all day, then breaded and deep fried and eaten by picking the meat off the bones!! You want to use the front feet tho, or the "trotters" as the Irish call em!!