What strange foods do you eat that others don't understand??

When I was very young I was all about my papa. Whatever he liked, I liked.
Grandma would cook up a can of brains, mix in the egg scramble, pool of grits on the plate. When papa would stir it all together and pepper it good, I did too.
Other mornings grandma would pull salt mackerel from a big jar, fry them up, and plate over a bed of white rice.
Red eye gravy was mostly grease from frying country ham with coffee added. Great on grits.
I liked all these things.
The strangest part, On some evenings papa would say, "Lets have a snack". Sometimes it was left over cornbread broken up in a bowl, with diced onion, black pepper, and buttermilk. Gotta spoon?
Other times it was sardines on saltines, again with the black pepper, ( we peppered the heck outa everything ), and washed down with fresh buttermilk.
Many years later cousin Jack suggested that papa only ate these concoctions to see me eat them. Not true. My wife aint gonna cook brains-n-eggs or salt mackerel for breakfast but I still enjoy those snacks sometimes.