At a tough spot career-wise... not sure what to do

Hey all, just wanted to get some advice from the great people on this forum and vent some of my frustrations regarding what to do with my career. I'm 26 years old next month, I went to school for a Mechanical Engineering degree and graduated May 2014. I applied for jobs left and right and got nothing for almost a year because even though I can engineer and build things on my own better than any of my classmates did my GPA wasn't the greatest and with this stuff it's all about the numbers. I finally started fixing hot-tubs for my friend's family business just so I wasn't dead broke. Did that a few months and then I got hooked up with my current job (started Nov. 2015) which is basically inspecting and occasionally repairing cell phone towers around the country. The job itself isn't too bad but the pay is crap and it's definitely not the industry I want to make a career in.

So here's where I am now. I figured out that not only is our economy still bad (duh), but the engineering industry(s) are SATURATED with people trying to find jobs. All I heard through college was "Oh wow you're studying engineering you're going to get a great job and make lots of money!" NOT!! My father, bless his heart, has offered to loan me money to go back to school and get my Master's degree so I can find a dang "real" job.

But one day I was watching YouTube videos about aircraft engines and happened to click on a video about crop dusting... when I saw that I was like "Holy S*** that looks awesome!!!" and then I saw another video explaining how there's very high demand for agricultural pilots and crop dusting because all of the current pilots are simply getting old and can't do it anymore. I looked it up and if I go to an Ag-specific flight school I could get an Ag pilot license in only three months and supposedly the money is good too (possible to break six figures in a year's work with some luck). But then my concern is if I become a pilot it would be even more difficult for me to get back into mechanical engineering which is really my passion (you guys think this is true??).

I need to get my life going here, I'm fed up with making chump change flying all over the country and doing what's essentially mundane tasks that insult my intelligence. Should I go for my Ag pilot's license and get things moving post-haste, or should I go back to school for my Master's (mind you the earliest I could enroll is for the Spring 2018 semester) and still not really be guaranteed anything, even though I love the subject?