At a tough spot career-wise... not sure what to do

Are you still in the Denver area?

No I'm in Fort Collins but I've been applying for stuff all over the state, even started applying for jobs out-of-state too. I've applied for at least 10 positions at FCA in Michigan so far and they all got turned down.

@skep419 All of the jobs I've applied for are the most basic entry-level jobs which are the ones that everyone's applying for and there are very very few positions out there. With the economy crash of the late 2000's a lot of engineers got laid off and now all the positions you find are upper-level for very specific fields which have stringent experience requirements which I obviously don't have because no one gave me the chance... irony lol

@diymirage I see where you're coming from but I've been working for this company for a year and a half now and it still sucks @$$, no real opportunity to "move up" because the owner decided to move the company more towards doing lots of small-time projects dealing with simple stuff instead of the 'turn-key' type of operations that were going on previously. Meaning there's literally not even enough engineering work to be done by the people already employed there.