At a tough spot career-wise... not sure what to do

2 rounds of college for me. Last round 6-7 yrs ago went thru for environmental tech at age 43. I wanted to get into water treatment, knew I would be good at it. Make good money (now anyway). Huge sacrifices both lori and made. I was away from home for 2 years. Now back at home and 15 minutes to work.
Sorry for the long story, point im trying to make, after graduating and hoping/praying/trying and applying to endless local jobs, 2 years later with no success I had to take a job 2 provinces away with a towns Public Works dept. Got my foot in the door, and progressed to where I am now.
Water/wastewater operations and infrastructure is a good secure well paying job and might be a good fit for you?
Go study and write the tests. No schooling needed but it definitely helps. Sacrifices may need to be made. I'll be 50 this year.
Good luck