Do you have anyone that you can pass on your skills?

When I was about 12 years old, Dad was teaching me drum brake jobs, and how to rebuild starters and alternators. Thats where it all started for me. Dad was one of the best mechanics at Tate Chrysler from 1969 thru the early 1980's. He passed away at 82 last week.

Jakes is my oldest son, now 20 yrs old. He started hanging with me at shows and in the garage when he was about 12. He's doing well with it. His little brother is getting ready to turn 9 and told me the other night he needs to help me work on the 68 B'cuda ragtop. I say bring it on. My wife tolerates my hobby - she knows I'm not hanging in the local bars. My little girls is just 6 yr old and the wife says she will not get greasy.... we shall see...... lol

I miss you Dad.....thanks for the ability!