Steering wheel options for us Early A drivers

well killer6 and desy500 , had a code enforcement officer tell me '' if i can't see them , then there no violations '' . built nice fences and gates for get them in and out .
God bless You & I hope that works. The same jerks that make up these "for the public safety & moral security" also have to approve any privacy/stockade type fence, which
they rarely do, because they don't want Our treasures in their "1st class" township at all. A local refuse hauler had retired, His Son took over the business, He held on to the
very first truck He started His own business with. A few yrs. ago they cited him for having it. His Son went to a Supervisor who stated the same about fencing it in, which they
did. Then the cadre' of s**theads passed a new more restrictive ordinance, rendering that act null & void, & re-cited them again....this time w/o any way out unless they made
it a viable road-legal truck again(You know the$$$$), which they knew wasn't happenin'. After the expense of said privacy fence.