Pulling oil pan on 273

On my 67 Dart with a 273 automatic, I need to put a new gasket on my oil pan. It seems like I need to take apart my front end to get it off. Or is there a secret? I was thinking about just taking off the old gasket and trying to clean it as best I could, but I am not feeling good about that option.

Thanks in advance. And I mean it. The people on this site really do help me to enjoy a hobby that can sometimes get under my skin.

Your best bet in my opinion is pulling the engine. Its easy when its out, more complicated but can be done in the car. This is the part of the hobby that can get under your skin if you let it, patience is your friend. Ive had rotten luck with mine, ive had it in and out 2 times. My pan if fucked and i knew it but poor planning led me to reuse it. Do you have access to a hoist?
