body work tools question

Thanks guys for encouragement and info.. I think I will finish stripping the trim, bumpers etc and start working on doing one panel at a time.. the original color is GG1, I know it is a metallic color, is there a way I can have a "BC CC" GG1 paint mixed with NO metallic so if I end painting the car GG1 I can do 1 panel at a time and not worry about each panel matching? Thanks
I suppose they could mix it without flake, but it would definitely change the color. There are actually different size and color flakes that have a pretty big impact on the final color.

Here's another suggestion for an attack plan. Just fix each rust/dent area one at a time. Then spray epoxy primer over the repair. They have it in aerosol cans now. After you fix all the areas scuff and shoot the whole car in high build primer and do a quick block to blend everything. Then spray the car in one shot. The epoxy primer will let you take your time doing the repairs, and the final prime, block, and paint can be done on a weekend.