Jobs of your ancestors

My great great grandfather was a gold miner in California back in the 1870's...

He single handedly had to kill two of three Mexicans that tried to jump his claim when his partner was not able to work that day... They all came with knives, he just had his mining pick... He killed the first one by putting his pick in his head... Then had to fight the other two with his bare hands... After getting cut up a bit, decided to run and try to split them up... Then hid behind a rock for a bit... If a woman hadn't come over the hill and hand him a revolver I wouldn't be here...

She had a voice in her head tell her to go over the hill with a gun and turned back twice... Then the third time went over the hill, found my grandpa, handed him the gun and he shot the 2nd Mexican... The third one ran away after that... (And some people don't believe in ESP...)

After that incident, he always carried a gun to the mine...

My grandpa married that woman....


My great uncle is considered to be one of the worlds leading geologists... People came from as far as Europe to take his geology classes... One of his students discovered a new mineral and named it after my uncle... He's now retired....


I may also be related to Zachary Taylor, but that has not been confirmed...