Your biggest car hack job ever

I was waiting on buying my cousins 73 Firebird, but like a teenager couldn't wait, so I decided to buy a 65 Ford Galaxie for $125. Got it home and had my buddies dad look it over!!...bad news, the frame was almost gone, but could be fixed, just be careful!! Well, careful to me meant loading up my buddy and I and road tripping from Michigan to my uncles house in southern Indiana!! Oops, forgot to tell anybody we were coming, and it was late when we got there after running out of gas, being helped by the cops cause we only had .17 cents left and we're about 20 miles away, so we pulled into a field to sleep for the night!! It was early, and the window was foggy when we woke up, so we missed the path back to the road and ended up in the ditch!! Yep, that move broke the frame!! So now we're stuck in southern Indiana with a broken frame, no money, and surprise!!!....we're here!!

Ended up junking the car, working 2 weeks in my uncles store and buying a Pinto station wagon that was my uncles dump runner! Great car to head on back to Michigan in, with a leaky radiator and low and behold, it got jammed into 3rd gear at a rest stop about 1/2 way home! No problem, I'll just yank it out of 3rd!!!...and broke the shifter right off!! So, we ended up driving over 150 miles home in 3rd gear, and had the trans in about 1000 pieces! Miraculously, we got that trans back together with a new shifter, and beat the crap outta that car!!

That's my story!!