PSA to our young/just starting out auto technicians

Ya, being in the auto, truck, repair job for 30 years takes a big toll on the body.
I got into mechanics in 1980 when i discharged out of the Air Force, after 7 years in the jet aircraft mechanics field.
I got out of auto repair at age 58 when the economy took a dump, and the boss man said by by, your laid off.
After all those years, i too have tinnitus, (ringing in the ears) after being around loud noises all the time in my jobs.
And a bad back, after bending down, crawling around, reaching around abnormal things, lifting, sure takes a big toll on the body.
And after being around vapors, fumes, chemicals, for decades, i now wonder if it is a factor with the bone marrow, mutation, cancer, disease, (whaterver we want to call it) that i now am living with, that's not curable, but controllable with a chemotherapy type of medication.
Mechanics, find another way to earn a living.
My two cents on the subject, anyway.