PSA to our young/just starting out auto technicians

Well, here's the flip side. I'm 54, been doing this since I was 16.
******* with cars is an iron man thing. You want to master the machine, you gotta be a better machine.
You will break **** ( name it, and I have either broken it working on a car or crashing motorcycles). You will get burned and gouged.
Learn to laugh it off and keep moving forward.
Three weeks ago I was cutting some rockers for a customer.
Cutting wheel exploded and the grinder wrenced out of my hand. It dug in just above my wrist, ran up my forearm, cut a deep gouge into my bicep, jumped up at my face where it cut a chunk out of my lip and split one of my nostrils...lost probably a pint and a half of blood.
That was at 2pm. By 6, I was bandaged up and back on the job.
Yknow what? If you can't work like that, go get yourself a desk job.
This **** is not for the weak
How long did it take your to get your 100% certified cuck license?