Lost a mentor, teacher and friend...

Hey Folks,

Been too torn up to do this sooner, but wanted to reach out to my FABO family for their thoughts and prayers. My father passed away at 86 years old last week after his long battle with Alzheimer's and most recently leukemia. He went the way he told me he wanted to go, with dignity in his own home, in his own bed with his wife and kids beside him. I was glad that me and my siblings all got up there while he still lucid able to speak a little bit. He passed in bed next to my mom, and his wife and love of almost 67 years. Bedtime has been the toughest time for Mom, but she's a strong woman and managing as well as could be expected.

He was a mentor, teacher, friend, grandfather and giving man. He taught me about muscle cars (He was a Chevy Guy until the day he died, but did admit that he really liked the way our Duster sounded LOL), and how to fish, hunt and respect our planet and the people on it. He instilled the importance of hard work and that while it is OK to take my job very seriously, I didn't have to always take myself seriously. He taught me that family comes first and that at the end of the day, that's all that is important. He taught me that good people were good people regardless of color, religion or political beliefs. He taught me to help those less fortunate. He taught me that humor is a powerful thing and to never dwell on the negatives. He taught me that life's too short to feel sorry for ourselves and every minute of every day is a gift that should not be squandered.

It's crazy how I am reminded of him everyday, little things like a song, smell or a sight triggers strong memories everywhere I go. I miss him so frigging much.

Thanks for letting me share, it does the soul good.

Be well all,