Lower Rear Quarter Patch Repair

Always get the parts FIRST before you cut anything. Definitely should have done full quarters but I think you know that now.

The areas I cut out needed to be removed regardless. That's why I stuck with only the minimum to start. But yes, a quarter skin is still in my future, just researching to see which manufacturer is "better" based on community feedback since AMD is no longer producing. I won't be removing any more metal until I have the part in hand and can draw out my areas to cut. I don't think I need a full quarter, the skin should be plenty. Worst case scenario, in my head anyway, is getting a salvage piece. Maybe I'm just being optimistic though!

I've made plenty of mistakes, and "wish I woulda done it this way" moments in hindsight. Being a first timer, I've come into it expecting such, and hoping I don't screw up too much.

Hell, sanding the entire car, top to bottom by hand was shitty; took me all of last spring/summer. A time sink that I'll never get back. If I could go back in time I would have just sent it in to get blasted. Perhaps my next car!