How much horsepower

BF Goodrich TA's are raised white letter tires

And thats the end of their list of desirable qualities

Not so fast there brother!
the 295s are great sliding tires; very predictable,easy to control, they never surprise me and after the first summer they go hard and last a really long time. At that time they also stop screaming, allowing me to get away with more spinning without attracting the cops. And no more smoke either, so going hammer down at 35mph, again, does not give me away.
So, by my count that is 7 more good reasons to buy them. BTW I install the blackwalls out.

But I agree; OP, give your head a shake. 205s are for grandmas slanty car
You need 275s minimum with that build,on the street. More is better.The taller the better, lose the 14s
And lose the manifolds or stick to the 340 cam or less.
Why would you spend a wheelbarrow-full of money, and then saddle it with 205s? I don't understand that.

But since you ask, put a 340 cam into it at an Scr of 8.0,a 2200TC,a really small 4bbl with late opening secondaries,Or better yet, put a TQ on it and block the secondaries closed, and a rev limiter set to 5000 ; that oughtta do it! maybe. Bring lotsa gas money.

205s are an 8 inch section, probably about 6 or 6.5 tread width
The E70-14s that 340 Darts came out with in 1970 were about 7.35 inches of tread. And we all know what 340 Darts did to those Es back in the day. And you want to put less rubber on than those? And how will you stop? 205s will be like driving on ice; cannot not spin and cannot stop.