
Don't doubt that there is a presence in the motor world for "kids". Lets say under 30. And it would make sense it's keyed on imports. That's what they grew up with. When I was 10, the older cool kids in the neighborhood had Roadrunners and Novas. For these kids it was imports.

But, how prevalent are auto sports within that demographic? Less.

For the first time in generations, automobile use is on the decline among American youth.
2008, 46.3 percent of potential drivers 19 years old and younger had drivers’ licenses, compared with 64.4 percent in 1998, according to the Federal Highway Administration.

You know what the kids are into these days? Not General Motors

10 years and a drop of 18% is huge.

It's a technology world today wrapped around phones/tablets. 60 teenagers reveal what they think is cool — and what isn't — in 2016

Our freedom was getting our license as soon as we could and hitting the road. Today - it's the latest tablet, hottest social media platform, and connecting with their generation digitally.

Just different world now and importance of autos (along with eco crap about them) is diminishing their significance.

But, yes, there will always be motor sports as long as there are vehicles.