Car show question......

As some of you know, I work for a local chain auto parts store. The manager and I have been batting around inviting the big county car club in for a car show since the weather is warming up.

Today, Kitty and I were having lunch at the local pizza place and I happen to see the "main guy" from the car club, so I struck up a conversation. I told him what we were thinking and asked if they'd like to put on a show in the parking lot maybe one weekend.

His response kinda caught me off guard. He said "sure, but we'll need some nice door prizes and everybody in the club loves food, too", so maybe yall could whip up some hamburgers and hot dogs."

I thought to myself, "yeah, ain't happenin", but I smiled and told him I would get with my manager. Course like me, the boss thought the guy was crazy.

What say yall? Is this kinda thing normal? Why the hell should it cost us anything when we're providing the place to have it?