Please say a prayer for Nella

So, I asked the bride if we were going to get a confirmation, a test, anything, to get a positive answer as whether she is cured or not! Her straight answer was no, we are not! Unless Nella has signs of still having the disease, like loose BM, stomach pain, or a fluorescent color to her BM, she is considered cured by the establishment!! That doesn't sit well with me because she was not cured after the first procedure, and between procedures was in much less pain because we got a positive test back and were able to go right back on the antibiotics and not allow it to flourish! By the time she starts having stomach pain, it is already blossoming inside her and is much harder to contain!!

I guess this is where faith comes in the system, and faith in God that this is actually over!! It is through all of your prayers that our faith has been bolstered, so now we must rest on that and let faith take over!! We are going on, with the faith bestowed upon us that she is past this, and until we see any different, that's all we can do!! Thanks again everybody, we hope to be able to thank everyone one day in person, you all are deserving of the biggest hugs Nella can give!! I hope everyone knows how much you all mean to us!!! May God bless you all as we have been blessed!! Geof, Wendy, Nella and Ian!!