electronic component tester

It can test capacitors, resistors, coils, transistors, jusy about anything on a through mount circuit boardm it will tell you the true capacitance of a capacitor, not what's labeled on the can. Many times capacitors will go bad, short or open and that can cause the power circuit of the device to not power on or malfunction. They are pennies to buy and simple to replace, it's just testing them that's a pain without a 50 buck esr meter. This guy test all kinds of small components and is smart enough to identify the part, tell you what it is and even the values. And you can attach them however you want, it's not dependent on where the leads clip onto, all with ONE test button.. Pretty cool. And it's super cheap. I bought a 50 inch tv for 30 bucks because it didn't power on, it was 3 .20 cent capacitors that were bad. Replaced and am watching it to this day.