Why does Dodge go cheap with their steel?

Where i live in the desert southwest . No rust thru issues. Trucks regardless of brand are junked out here because the drivelines, and working parts are just worn out. Not uncommon to see a decent cab and truck bed in the junkyard here, maybe some dents but no rust. You go look at the odometer on one of these and see 300K or more on it.

Sloppy snow, and calcium chrloride on the roads in the winter kills any vehicle up that way. Get it rustproofed and undercoated when new, and it will slow it down some.

Park it in your garage during the winter months until the spring rains wash all that road salt away and drive a beater during the winter and you will never have a problem.

I used to live in the rust belt. Y'all can keep that ****. My chevy pickup is 24 years old, not a bubble of rust or hole in it.