Workforce now days ? Is it just me ?

me too a baby boomer. yes I have seen and been in this s ame deal..... I feel my general, in general, was taught different set of values and standards. i have always worked unless it was a rare occasion i was too sick to hold my head up...
i recently moved to s e t. 45 minutes from Houston. i have to wonder if there will be ANY population or workforce here, if Trump sends back the illegals? not trying to get into politics.
There is plenty of able bodied non illegals !
They just don't want to work !!
They have been taught there is no consequence !!!
It's someone else's responsibility to take care of them !!
They deserve more !!!

I see droves of them walking around like zombies !!
I call them the walking dead !!
They deserve welfare , food stamps , health care , housing , cellphones and so on !!
Now get busy all of you that work so you can provide for those poor people !!!