New Owner, Humbly Looking for Guidance

UPDATE - A buddy at the BMX track has a certain car shop. He fired one of his mechanics recently, so I got to thinking, that mechanic must have some time on his hands, and need money. Sure enough, that worked out. The guy came over, he's a good mechanic, but he and my bmx friend / shop owner just weren't seeing things the same way. We got the heater core out in 2 hours. The A/C lines only needed to be disconnected, there was no refrigerant remaining (not surprised).

I got a new heater core from NAPA. It looks just like the old one. I put the core in the heater housing last night, fit just fine. Tonight the guy is coming back to my house and we're going to put it all back together. Hopefully no snafu's. I will put coolant in it and fire it back up and see how it does.

If the brakes still work, and all fluids check out, I'll take it out and fill the tank. And will text 72dart and may roll it over his way.
