Ever pick up hitch hikers??

A couple years back I was on my way through town, headed back home, with a load of firewood when a guy walks right out into the middle of the street in front of me. Mind you, I wasn't going fast, there was about 2 feet of snow on the road.

I stopped so I wouldn't hit him and he walks up to the driver's side door of my Dodge (window rolled about halfway down, it was hot as hell inside the truck with the defroster running to keep the wipers from icing up).

"I need a ride."

"I've got no room to haul anyone." (And it was true, I had my chainsaw, tire chains, etc piled on the bench seat and floor)

"I'm just going a block or two down the road, put it in the bed for now."

"Did you happen to notice it's full of firewood?"

"Put it on the road and come back for it then..."

That's when he saw my revolver laying on the bench seat beside me, he backed up.

"Never mind, I'll stop the next vehicle."

Funny, the next vehicle behind me was a Police SUV and the guy immediately took off for the sidewalk, going in the opposite direction.