Where's the Wow?

Just to be sure this is all understood.... this cam has 4 degrees of of ground in advance and would have an ICL of 106 degrees (110 LSA) if installed straight up with dot-to-dot on the sprockets. So another 4 degrees advances from dot-to-dot would put it at 102 degrees ICL. (All assuming everything is machined accurately.)

Don't let me put the wrong words in your mouth RRR but I think this is where you are advising the OP to go. Yes? No?

OP, note the repeated statement of 'assuming everything is machined accurately'; that is one of the key advantages to using the degree wheel and going fully through the cam timing and finding ICL; that process uncovers any parts inaccuracies that can throw off the cam timing many degrees, and allows you to compensate for them.

Yes,but also using the compression gauge as I outlined.