They walk among us!

Don't get me wrong, I'm into checking out conspiracy theories and I do believe some. I dont trust most doctors but there are several intellectual doctors out there that do their research and alot that just go by the pharma ways. I also believe that in some cases both homeopathic otlr naturalistic and new age meds together can really do some good. I don't take synthetics myself case my body isn't the best. But the earth is ******* round. Am I allowed to cuss if not sorry. Get on a boat in the ocean and go fishing. Notice it looks like your in the middle of a circle and you can't see further than 15/miles out. There is a reason for that. If it were flat it would be further than 15 miles. As for the lunar landing. I'm not one to say it was fake but if it was its cause they were up there checking other **** out. Plane defiantly hit the towers. Sure they could have packed explosives in the tower it was a terrorist attack after all. Was our gov responsible maybe, maybe not, but we are the ones who trained and funded that terrorist group just like we helped get Isis going as well then the gov wanted to help another rebel group. But ask yourself if you give a bum on the street 1000 dollars do you think he will invest it properly and be able to get off the street or do you think he's gonna plan to do a bit of good but instead parties it up. I've seen it plenty of times. I know there is alot of secrets and conspiracies, but come on ppl use your brain. We don't live in a hole in the earth, there is no dome above us. Now aliens may be watching us. Technically God would be considered an alien. And if he don't exist in sure we are not the only ones here.
O I do believe giants existed tho. From the Bible to the native Americans and multiple other religions there is talk painting and carving. I can't believe that some don't believe they existed lol. I love science tho.
Don't delve to deep into conspiracy theories. Alot of em are vs and will warp your mind. They are fun stories sometimes. And nothing wrong with having an imagination. Just don't believe everything you see or read.
If this isn't inappropriate admin you may delete it. I won't get butt hurt. Have a good day everyone. Hopefully my brake line will stop fighting me today and my day can be good as well