They walk among us!

Lots of anger and fear that someone else might be closer to the truth. I was like that until about age 40. I walked all over people, including my own wife and kids. I was king of my chit. And I knew everything. I mean I was taught in school, that the world was round, that the THEORY of evolution was true, and at that time the bigBang THEORY was in vogue. I mean look at all the pretty pictures they put in the textbooks.Who was I to doubt the truth of the matter. Why would they lie about those things?
They told us the speed of light was all worked out, and at that time it was 186,000 miles per second.And because of that, the stars had to be billions of light years away. And of course that meant the earth was waaaay older than what the Bible says. So, that proves the Bible was wrong on that at least. What else was the Bible wrong about? If the Bible got this soooo wrong, is it right about anything? That was the wedge they used. And it all started with somebody applying the speed of light to an unknowable distance. Oh its all about this or it's all about that, or smarter men than you AJ, figured it all out, BELIEVE the smarter men. Believe these THEORIES. BELIEVE they put men on the moon. BELIEVE the stars are incredibly far away. BELIEVE Lucy is real. BELIEVE Archeoptrix is real. Believe the boats are sailing over the horizon.Yadadada,BELIEVE,BELIEVE,BLINDLY BELIEVE cuz we tell you it's true.I was so naive. I became brainwashed. Science is all about BELIEVING that what they tell us is real. It's a religion. They tax us to death to fuel the Science religion.
I was 40 years old when I came out of that fog. I have spent the last 25 years, unlearning almost everything I BELIEVED up to that time.
I started going to church.Even the church lied to me. The church is full of lies. They celebrate certain Holy Days on the wrong days. They teach an escape from tribulation rapture, that in Revelations, does not happen until after the big battle. Then they tell us that Revelations is all mixed up. Its poetic and allegory. They teach lies cuz they never read the Old Testament. Then they tell the congrgation not to read it , cuz it was all nailed to the cross. Oh? Is that so? "Yes, BELIEVE me," the preacher says.I went to seminary, I KNOW this stuff. Hah! I say; you believe what you were taught, and you were taught what seminary wanted to teach. More take it on faith chit.
My own dear parents lied to me. We celebrated SantaClaus, and Halloween and Easter. We went on Easter Egg hunts for crying out loud; totally a Pagan ritual , just like all the others.
I was a product of all the lies I had been taught.
NO MORE I said. I will question everything, from now on.First,I said, I will write down all the things I BELIEVE, and then I will try to determine if what I believe is true, and if I can prove it.Anything I cannot prove, I will reject.That was 25 years ago.
Over the next few years,I became a different person.Eventually I turned to the Bible, and to how that book came to be, and why the protestants reject the OT. I figured it out. The OT is full of answers they don't want you to know. Cuz if you learn those answers, then there is no more reason for a preacher or pastor or rabbi or reverend or priest or pope,or any teacher. People lie. whether intentionally or not. Everybody has an agenda. Sex, money and power drive today's world.It's all about keeping score.He who has the most will reign! Everybody's chit stinks.
The Bible is mostly a collection of books about; history, and moral stories, and testimonies, and laws. If there are lies in them, they are easier to believe than the ones Science and the Church teach. For those who reject the religions of Modern Science and the Modern Church,and take up studying the Bible, there is much revelation.
The shape of the earth is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Why waste your time belittling believers in either camp. The truth is there are exactly two ways to prove the earth is round.1) You can fly out into space, far enough away to put the entire "planet" into the field of view,and take a VIDEO/MOVIE, MOVING PICTURE SHOW, showing it spinning, with moving clouds, and properly scaled land masses, etc. or 2) fly around it from pole to pole, ending up where you started.
Forget about satellites. Get in a jet and go. It's only 25000 or so miles in circumference right. Let's see 25,000 divide by 550 miles per hour.... well, I get 45 hours plus fuel stops. Go now, you can be back in a little over two days. Go on. File your flight path. Set you watch; I'll see you on Thursday.
What? They won't let you fly over Antarctica? Huh; imagine that..........

Would you look at that? People flying over Antarctica. Weird huh?

There's a couple good reason most flights don't cross Antarctica. Number 1. 68% of landmass is in the northern hemisphere. Obviously with most land mass in the north. More flights will be in the north. And crossing the north pole is an easy way to get around. There simply is much less land mass in the south. Which means less cities. Which means less flights. Especially the further south you go. Number 2. Because of the less land mass near the Antarctic. There's no real reason to fly across it. In fact many flights would be LONGER if they went over the south pole. There's only one route that would be shorter, and no airline flies it. So they don't bother. And many airlines actually do end up flying "over" Antarctica. If there is a prevailing wind their flight path may be pushed over. QF 63 is a flight that will occasionally cross Antarctica. Number 3. There are only so many jets that can legally fly a certain distance from an airport. Twin engine planes can't cross Antarctica because they must always be within a certain distance of an airport. Which oddly enough Antarctica isn't covered in. This is to always try and have the plane in range for any kind of emergency landing. To avoid water landing/crashes/accidents/death/destruction/lawsuits/etc. It's called ETOPS. Four engine planes are not bound by this. And that's why you'll see them flying over Antartica.

Like this:
Antarctica Flight Departing Sydney Australia

4 hours over Antarctica. No problems.

No fear. No anger. Just cold hard sciency facts.