They walk among us!

Antarctica is a big place, some of which is legal to be in.
Find your own way, I found mine. We could be here for years. I'm not here to try and save your soul.I'm here to help folks fix their trannies and stuff, and throw in a little math from time to time.
My decisions are made.
If I'm wrong it's no big deal, death is permanent.I'm not scared to die. If I don't wake up in the morning, that's fine by me.
If you're wrong, you can try and survive the Lake of Fire. Good luck with that.

Ohhh so now it's SOME of Antarctica is legal to be in. See before you said :

What? They won't let you fly over Antarctica? Huh; imagine that..........
What? They'll shoot you down if you try it? Huh, imagine that.....

So now. I just wanna make sure. It's you can fly over SOME of Antarctica? Not "They won't let you fly over Antarctica?". And it's you won't be shot down over SOME of Antarctica? Not "They'll shoot you down if you try it?".

I just want to check, it's an important distinction.

So I should find my own way. To the opinions and viewpoints that you've expressed are true and fact? By your own reasoning. Isn't that wrong? You say people need to wake up. Open their eyes. Look around them. Open their minds. But when I provide an opinion and viewpoint counter to yours. Rather than having an open mind and being open to ideas. You shut your eyes harder than anyone else here. And simply say "No you're wrong look it up". Uh huh....

If you're "not here to try and save my soul" then why post all that? You know it will just start a discussion about it. As for lake of fire? Not to worried. I've rode through fire. Driven though fire. Walked through fire. Jumped through fire. So not too worried about a lake of fire. If I don't wake up in the morning, won't bug me one bit. I wasn't all that upset about things before I was born was I?

So my mind is open (much more so than yours). So please. Tell me. If gravity does not exist. Then how do things stay on the flat earth? You seemed to have dodged that question. Also. What is at the edge of the flat earth? What is BEHIND the flat earth? Is it possible to go all the way through the earth? How "thick" is the earth? Can we launch a space craft to fly BEHIND the earth? If the earth is flat. Are all other planets also flat and ONLY facing us? Is the sun flat? Does the earth "revolve" around the sun? Or the sun around the earth? If we start building only on one "side" of the planet, will it tip over?

Inquiring minds!