They walk among us!

1 Thessalonians 4:17 is discussing a RESURECTION not a rapture. They are two entirely different things.

In order to have a rapture, as you say, you have to ignore every single time prophecy, and take the 70 weeks in Daniel and pull one week (7 years) right off the end of the prophecy that is one continuous prophecy and stick it out in time somewhere without regard to ANY other prophecy that is tied to it. For example, the 2300 day prophecy and the 2520 day prophecy and ignore the fact that they are continuous and run concurrently with the 70 weeks. Why make the 70 weeks not like every other time prophecy? You can't. Christ himself called out the end of the 70 week prophecy.

So, I'll say it again, there is NO rapture. It's a lie. There are two resurrections, seperated by 1000 years. There are three times Christ comes to earth. One already. The second time he never sets his foot on the earth. The third time is after the 1000 years, before the second resurrection.

You can make the bible say anything you want. If you read it just like it's written and let the bible define itself, you won't have errors like this rapture crap.

You also wouldn't have people praying to Mary or other dead people, you wouldn't have people think that hell is burning now and people will burn forever in that hell. Rediculous. You wouldn't have the pagan doctrine of the trinity. Confession to a priest. There is no once saved always saved.

I could go on....

All left open to individual interpretation, so who do we kill because they don't beleive yours?
(that wasn't a shot at you personally, but a point)