They walk among us!

You can see the earth's curvature in my brothers private plane. Flat earth theory (it is just that: a theory) has so many holes in it.... that just WOW!
To argue flat vs. round actually makes me feel stupid :D
  • Just take a round ball and a flat disc, and try to duplicate shadows, 1/4 moons and everything else.
  • Flat earth people claim to have fired a rocket that hit the ceiling.... LOL. I saw the video, and as fast as the rocket was going, it suffered no damage. Just, hit the ceiling like a bottle rocket in your living room. talk about fake news and videos of lies... LOL.
  • I could go on and on, but I would make AJ jealous because how long the post would be.... :D

I hate even calling it a theory. As that lends SOME scientific credence to it. I prefer to call it a belief. The religious connotations of "belief" bug me as well. But not nearly as much as the scientific connotations of "theory".

God or Gods have killed more people than they have ever saved. Guess I`m going to hell for that comment.

To play devil's advocate for a moment. As many war's over religion as there has been. There has also been good. For a VERY long time, the only orphanages, poor houses, soup kitchens and numerous other "charities" were operated solely by religious institutions. Like anything that has been around for a few thousand years. There is good and bad.

Who exactly did God kill? A very juvenile thought process. When Cain killed Able, did God do that? Is God responsible for World War I? Or any war?

I guess that would be a direct action vs indirect action debate. But there is at least foresight. If god is omnipotent. Then he knew ahead of time what giving humanity free will would do.

It's sort of like getting out your race car. Lining it up with a park full of kids. Putting the rear end up on one jackstand. Putting it in gear. Dropping a brick on the gas pedal. Then going for lunch.

I mean, you don't know FOR SURE what will happen. But you can make a reasonable guess. Even a man's court of law would hold you to that standard.

Personally. I don't think any god, or gods, are found in wood or stone. They aren't found in the voice of a preacher. His robes. Or the collection plate. God/gods aren't found in scripture or the bible. Or in a certain spot on earth. Nor in a certain ceremony. Any god or gods is found inside the person that believes in them. Anything they draw from that comes from themselves and their own belief. And at the end of the day. As long as that makes them happy. And they don't negatively impact someone else's life. Who cares?

Like someone else mentioned. As long as you are good to others. Don't hurt people. And lead a generally "good" life. Everything will be a-ok.