They walk among us!

I think it's interesting that everything that makes up all known matter is exactly the same in physical design no matter the size.
Atoms have a center mass with satellites in orbit around it, as do solar systems and even universes.
It seems everything follows this same design.
Are we going to look even closer at atoms and find that they also have atoms?
Does this mean our currently known place in space is actually just one of billions of places just like it, and we just have not been able to see the edge of ours yet? or the edge of the one next to ours.
Some scientist are starting to think this is actually the way all of existence is layed out, because it follows the same pattern.
It is just in hugely varying scales and distances so we don't know it yet for sure.

Man has a pretty bad habit of deciding something is the way we think it is and defending it to the death even when wrong.
Let's see, we do that with science and nature so what else could be untrue and defended to the death anyway?

And maybe the sub and post-atomic realms are actually a step forward or backwards in the fabric of time :)

The main beef I have with FET is that it denies the proven laws of physics to create a micro-relativism.

A trend I have been seeing at our church (I am not religious) is this trend towards fringe theory as a test of faith. Almost a throwing the baby out with the bath water type of approach to address their own spiritual doubts. A good friend of mine has been embracing this Creationism trend and has given me a few books on it, which I read, but they are so blatantly theory-crafted that anyone with an ounce of objectivity can poke a thousand holes in it.

To each their own I guess. If the Earth is flat or globular, 6000years old or 4 Billion years old, my daily life is still the same.