Scariest movie You've Seen

EXCELENT remake (and i dont say that often, most remake are P-huey)

which leads me to another rabits trails, the girl who played Carry in the remake, isnt she the little girl in "let me in" ?
now there was a "scary" movie i could watch with the Missus, it actually has a story

now, speaking of remakes, here's another one they NEVER should have touched because i know they will not be able to improve on it

Tim Curry is a fantastic actor. And creepy as **** in IT. As well as when he was in criminal minds.

Someone mentioned silent hill. If you thought the movie was at all scary. Play the games. Turn the lights off. You get a radio that starts to cackle whenever "monsters" come near. You'll be walking along. It's all shadow and fog. You'll hear a dog bark in the distance. And then your radio crackles. But you don't see anything. The crackle slowly intensifies. You start running back the way you came. Can't see what it is coming, too much fog and shadow. The radio is howling now, crackling so loud it's the only thing you hear. And all you can do is run and say "NO **** PLEASE NO I JUST STARTED" Or you'll be running around as your character. Everything is fine. Then you hear that godawful air siren. All the walls start to melt, then turn to ash and fire and blow away. And you'll just say "nope". And call it a night. My buddy STILL refuses to play silent hill in the dark. And it's been 10+ years. They released a "teaser" silent hill game on PS4. It was disturbing to say the least. Incredibly creepy.