They walk among us!

Most religious followers of what ever God they want to believe in, do so because most can't accept death as the last thing for them. They have to believe there is something after death.
I don't think that's the main reason for most religious people. Human beings are hard-wired to seek a connection to something greater than our individual selves. We each find that connection in our own favorite combination of religion, work, art, music, sports, war, community service, old cars, etc. I know plenty of Christians who aren't sure if there's an afterlife or if anything in the Bible is factually true, but they like to believe in God and Jesus anyway because it makes them feel more purposeful.

I don't believe in a Higher Power with a personality, plans and desires, but I don't disrespect those who do. Why? Because I can't prove they are wrong, and I certainly don't have a better answer for why the universe exists. However, I do have to question people who disregard facts that are staring them in the face, such as the fact that the ocean horizon always curves downward, or the fact that the sun sets at different times in different places. If you believe God made everything, you have to believe He made it so planets are round. Then again, we are all really good at believing things that are clearly inconsistent with other things we believe.