Kind of Dumb Forum Username Question

That's actually the reason I use the same screen name. I have accounts at pretty much all the larger Mopar boards, but I don't post at most of them so I either have a very low post count or none at all. I have bought parts on a few of them though, and the fact that I use the same screen name and can reference my trading profile here has helped me out some. It's a lot less intimidating to do business with someone if they have a good trading record, so if I buy parts on another forum where I may have a 0 post count I can refer the seller back to my profile here. Obviously that's not 100% fool proof because as Matt found out someone else could use that screen name at another board, but it can make things easier.

And if someone doesn't like me here, they're not going to like me at another board because I'm still "me", so, there's no reason to run a different screen name.

This thread is making me want to sync them all the same. I am mainly on F?BO only because i think it is the best car site network. I wouldn't mind making them all the same. I think i have been around long enough (2011) that many know me by now.