Missed on this combo?

I was going to write a long drone out response but even my short one may be too long:D
You have got the concept of the SS and how your new head has a MUCH better SS.
Think of the valve as yet another SS (because it is ) remember when you figured out that you Eddy ss kinda shot straight out across the valve.........if you cut enough off the head, that high side of the intake valve with shoot straight across the head bounce off the bore and come back.....aka turbulence.
When this happens, it stops or pulses the air at that point cause a pressure bounce all the way around that valve.
When i was porting my 360 heads i kept getting to a point, that no matter WHAT i did the port just got crazier and crazier. fill it in with mud and start over. Must have done it 10 time before i final stop and took a look at my combustion chamber Never wanted to touch it because once i ground on it.......i cant get it back.
Found some flaws in the port, that was created by me cutting a 2.02 valve in were a 1.88 had resided before.
The port that would back up at 500 lift(flow ### when down) now flows to 600 and may flow more but that's where my retainer hit the guide.

That combustion chamber was machined like it is for a reason (Maybe several!!)
There's a reason why they kept the combustion chamber at 71. It could be simply because some may want that large CC chamber......or maybe they needed that much space for the pressure recovery to work properly (PR slowing the air speed in a efficient way).
It may not make a Hill of Bean differance, but it could. It's your choice.....just a little bit more info to help you decide.:poke::D