Stop in for a cup of coffee

Ya know, how violent is a doctor going to get? He's going to own them.

Oh hell yeah...

There is going to be lawsuits for sure...

The city of Chicago will get sued, because the security guards that threw him off are the city's responsibility...

I would think that the city would want to sue United to recoup the losses because of their mistake...

You watch now: Many more people are going to start refusing to get bumped off flights... It will be interesting to see how they handle that... Especially if they aren't going to allow them to put their hands on the passenger, all you have to do is stand your ground...

It will be anarchy....

But they can also figure out who is going to get bumped BEFORE they board the flight to avoid that whole situation....

They could have offered more $$$$ than they did for someone to get bumped, but they tried to take the cheap way out (you know - "to maximize corporate profits")....

The company is handling this like most other catastrophes... Now they are in "damage control" to try to minimize losses....

Sorta resembles the original Die Hard movie where the terrorists know the FBI play book and what they will do next....